Important: We have been acquired! Futuristicon and its solutions are now part of TheYTLab's family, and we believe this decision will further improve our services and customer satisfaction, while providing TheYTLab with new solutions. Old customers may access their account information at TheYTLab's website. Thank you!

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We develop for companies working on rejuvenation

And we give 40% of our profit to anti-aging advocacy foundations.

Taking Care of Business

End-to-end digital solution for your business - never have to worry about development again.

Perfect for Your Company

Our hybrid business model allows us to grow while also giving back to ensuring the bright future of our industry (and our health).

Industry Standard Technology

Scalable, secure and fast MERN stack. Blazing fast front-end for best SEO impact.

We code. Beautifully.

End-to-end digital solution for your business - never have to worry about development again.

See our services
MERN Stack Development

Using cutting-edge technology standards of the MERN stack, we will deliver the best for you. Don't settle for anything less than a scalable, stable, and blazing-fast app or website.

Technology Consulting

We offer consulting for small companies and companies whose operations are not primarily in IT, to ensure you make the right technical decision before it’s too late.

Startup Stack

For startups and innovators wanting to test the market and their product we deliver less scalable but more affordable software ready for rapid testing and pivoting.

Perfect for rejuvenation businesses.

You don’t only get the perfect website/app for your company. When working with us, you help the anti-aging industry even more.

Jamstack Websites

If your website needs are mostly a static website, Jamstack offers blazing-fast and secure websites.

Contact us for more info!

If you can describe it,

We can build it. Never worry about your development again.

Our problem is urgent.

We are aware that many people do not have the luxury of time. That is why we want to accelerate the rejuvenation industry in our own way.

Learn more
Why give back?

We believe that we all need to unite against the tyranny of death and diseases. Not only the researchers and investors but also the web developers, lawyers, artists - everyone. We can all help in our own way, and our help is needed.

But what about the sweet, sweet profit?

We don’t really hate yachts, but first we want to do good and show the world and other entrepreneurs the better way - that you can make a profit while also ensuring that the future of our planet is bright and secure. Also, to ensure that we live to see the future. There’s time for everything, and now is the time to fix some pressing issues of mankind. Solve the problem of aging first, then solve the problem of buying a Porsche.

Why not go with the non-profit model all the way?

We adopt this hybrid business model because we believe that the competitive advantage of companies that operate on a pure for-profit basis is extremely difficult to beat. For-profit companies have better funding than non-profit ones, and that is because most investors want to have a return on their investment, which isn’t possible in non-profits. We also want to scale and produce even more value, which would be nearly impossible with a pure non-profit model. Hence the hybrid, public-benefit, not-totally-for-profit model.

Contact us for more info!
Lab Research

Yachts come second,

Solving cancer and world hunger comes first.